OCT LIVE is on the road….. Register now!

The OCT LIVE format involves imaging patients live at the event.

The OCT LIVE format involves imaging patients live at the event.

The Heidelberg Engineering Academy’s experience of running optometric roadshows in partnership with Local Optical Committees and ophthalmologists is an education highlight again this autumn. With five years of partnership knowledge, the team provides high quality education in small groups at a local level. Learning how OCT and retinal imaging can improve patient care, building closer links to ophthalmology, and growing business in optometric practice is the focus of the CET accredited roadshows.

Featuring the popular OCT LIVE format, with real patients who are scanned in HD on a big screen, the tutorial is guided by a local consultant ophthalmologist. Delegates are guided through image interpretation and correct patient management, with 3 interactive CET points available for optometrists and dispensing opticians.

Following the success of these events, and demand for more, we are now scheduling dates for later this year and for 2018. Working with Local Optical Committees, we look to provide roadshows across the country in venues that are convenient for members. With our CET accreditation, and a faculty of ophthalmologists whom we can call upon to present, we are ready to go!
Weekday evenings from 6:00pm – 8:30pm are very popular, but we are very flexible. If you are interested in having us tour in a location near you, please register your interest by 20th October 2017:

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