Improve clinical workflows with all-in-one imaging solutions

WOC 2020 Virtual

Heidelberg Engineering at WOC2020 Virtual®

This year’s World Ophthalmology Congress (WOC) will be taking place as virtual meeting from June 26 to 29 and Heidelberg Engineering will be part of it.

We cordially invite you to meet us at our virtual booth* and get your "Practice Poster – The Anatomy of the Human Eye" showing the anatomy of the eye with structural details, as seen in our high-resolution OCT images. Our experts look forward to welcoming you during congress hours (9 AM - 6 PM CEST).

More about WOC

Comprehensive diagnostics with all-in-one devices

SPECTRALIS® provides high-resolution OCT images of the posterior segment of the eye, ANTERION® ** visualizes the anterior segment. Both devices have exceptional multimodal abilities, ensuring that multiple examinations can be carried out in one single step. In times where safety issues and cleaning routines play a major role in daily practice, SPECTRALIS and ANTERION can help you to improve clinical workflows with no compromise on operator and patient safety or on image quality.

All-in-One Devices
Composite image for promotional purposes, deliberately not to scale. Composed of 5 images acquired using ANTERION for the anterior segment and 6 images acquired using SPECTRALIS for the posterior segment.

Exciting educational opportunity

Our pre-recorded webinar is devoted to ophthalmic imaging in a COVID-19 context and gives a structured insight in the application of current high-tech multimodal imaging, using the ANTERION and SPECTRALIS all-in-one devices. Learn from the experts from Narayana Nethralaya Eye Institute in Bangalore how SPECTRALIS and ANTERION fit in today’s COVID-19 circumstances:

All-in-one multimodal imaging devices improve safe clinical workflow

  • Rohit Shetty – All-in-one multimodal imaging device ANTERION
  • Pooja Khamar – ANTERION cases
  • Chaitra Jayadev – All-in-one multimodal imaging device SPECTRALIS and cases

Experience Heidelberg Engineering’s all-in-one multimodal imaging devices at WOC. We are looking forward to meeting you virtually and keeping you and your patients safe.

*Congress registration required.
**ANTERION is currently not available in all countries.

Whole Eye PosterPractice Poster - The Anatomy of the Human Eye

We support you with individual material for patient information. Use this poster composed of ANTERION and SPECTRALIS images to explain the most important anatomical structures of the human eye.

As a visitor of our booth at the WOC2020 Virtual® you will have the possibility to download and order our new practice poster.

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