
Supplement ANTERION: Studies on precision, accuracy, and repeatability

Renowned physicians have thoroughly examined the performance and reliability of ANTERION. Discover what studies by Prof. Dr. Oliver Findl, Dr. Kjell Gundersen, Dr. Bjørn Gjerdrum, and Dr. Damien Gatinel say about the precision, accuracy, and repeatability of measurements taken with ANTERION, including vis-à-vis competitor products.

Veröffentlichung ANTERION als Komplettlösung für den vorderen Augenabschnitt

Das jüngste ANTERION Softwareupdate beinhaltet drei neue klinische Funktionen, die noch mehr Daten für optimierte Hornhautdiagnostik bieten und Ihnen dabei helfen sollen, refraktive Überraschungen zu vermeiden.


Support clinical decision making with enhanced cornea features of the ANTERION®
that will deepen diagnostic insights and transform surgery planning

Supplement Comparison of Two Swept-Source OCT Biometry Devices

The ANTERION Cataract App showed high agreement with the IOLMaster 700.